শুক্রবার, ৩ মে, ২০১৩

An Incredibly Tiny Sofa Bed For Your Skinniest Houseguests

If you need a place for guests to sleep but don't even have room in your tiny apartment for an air mattress, you'll love what designer Jesper St?hl has cooked up for Swedish brand Ire Mobel. By day the Collar is a compact arm chair with a high back cushioned corner and a pop-out desk for getting work done in comfort. But at night it folds out into a full-length bed for a single sleeper who's not afraid of rolling off the edge.

Pricing and availability details aren't available just yet, but one thing's for certain: anyone who regular works late is going to want one of these chairs for the corner of their office.

[Ire Mobel via Homecrux]

Source: http://gizmodo.com/an-incredibly-tiny-sofa-bed-for-your-skinniest-housegue-487299470

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