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Doctor Who Weeping Angel Statue ? Product Review :: Buzzy Mag ...

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Statue
Product Review


I recently walked into a healthcare provider?s office and backed right out, eyes wide and heart pounding.

?Don?t blink,? my ever-helpful husband offered, chuckling.

There before me on the wall was a whole murder of ceramic cherubs, painted in blood red and staring back at me.

I don?t think I blinked until I got out of that office.

This occurred five days after ?Angels Take Manhattan.? I had no idea the episode had such an effect on me. Honestly, I?m not afraid of spiders, snakes, or much of anything that most folks think is scary, but those angels in that unexpected place had my eyes wide open.

Then, the Weeping Angel statue arrived in the mail. It took me a while to assure myself it was only resin. Still, I am using saline to keep my eyes moist when it is around.

In many ways, the Weeping Angels are some of the most benevolent of Dr. Who?s enemies. If you blink around this ancient evil, you?ll merely be sent back in time which lets them live off the time energy of the victim?s remaining lives. Only in rare cases when the time energy wasn?t sufficient would an angel snap their victims? necks.

The figure is beautifully cast and quite realistic. It?s made in the UK by Titan Books UK. The company recommends this figure for adult collectors. It?s definitely not for children-at 3.5 lbs, it could make for dangerous play.

Be sure to check your figure when it arrives. Our came with one wing slightly askew. It?s not a problem for us, since it?s easily repaired, but you may choose not to mend.

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Review By
Rebecca McFarland Kyle, April 2013

Rebecca McFarland Kyle

Buzzy Product & Book Reviewer

Rebecca McFarland Kyle was born on Friday 13th in the midst of a Casper, Wyoming snowstorm. Aside from writing reviews, she?s an editor for Conclave: A Journal of Character and Shelfstealers. She has publication credits in both nonfiction and fiction and is currently working on three young adult novels. She lives between the Smoky and Cumberland Mountains with her techno-gypsy spouse and four felines.

Source: http://buzzymag.com/doctor-who-weeping-angel-statue-product-review/

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